Stronger Together Through Networking

ALM President Kim Dahnke, right, with Gretchen Corbin, president and CEO of the Georgia Lottery, at the December Good Morning Cherokee breakfast.

Aroundabout Local Media’s mission statement is to “help local businesses grow and prosper by offering affordable advertising opportunities in a quality publication that provides positive, relevant information to our readers.”

Using this as a plumb line for all that we do, on the advertising and editorial sides of our company, we created a new feature. Once a quarter, we will share photos of the entrepreneurs in our community gathering to exchange ideas and information, developing relationships by supporting and encouraging one another while opening doors to new opportunities.

Cherokee Chamber of Commerce
Power Hour Networking is held monthly from 10-11 a.m. at the chamber office, 3605 Marietta Highway, Canton. Business After Hours meets monthly in rotating chamber member businesses, except July and August, 4:30-6 p.m. Good Morning Cherokee breakfasts are held monthly, excluding January and July, 6:30-9 a.m. at 1130 Bluffs Parkway, in Canton.

Meets for Morning INfluence gatherings at 8 a.m. on the last Friday of the month at the Chambers at City Center. YPOW (Young Professionals of Woodstock) meets at 7:30 a.m. Thursdays. Also partners with Fresh Start Cherokee,

Towne Lake Business Association
Meets the third Tuesday of each month for lunch ‘n’ learn sessions, noon-1:30 p.m., at The Tavern at Towne Lake Hills.

Woodstock Business Club
Meets at 8:30 a.m. Thursdays at Reformation Brewery.

Woodstock Christian Business Network
Meets 7:30-9 a.m. Wednesdays at First Baptist Woodstock.

Other business associations in Woodstock are invited to send photos from their monthly meetings to Please include the names of everyone in each photo, along with the date, time and location of your meetings.

Justin Deweese of Guardian Insurance Solutions addresses the group at a November Woodstock Business Club meeting.

